I recently read A Strange Stirring by Stephanie Coontz, a book that breaks
down Betty Freidan’s The Feminine Mystique, and describes the clash of cultures
between working and non-working women in the 1950s and early 1960s. She describes the feelings of inferiority and
lack of completeness that middle class homemakers felt at the time that The
Feminine Mystique was published. As
someone who has never known a world where we are expected not to join the
workforce and actively kept out of it, I was surprised at how relevant I found
Coontz’s summary of the infamous book.
As a woman who
is studying and a part of a profession that is predominantly made up of, and led by
women, I am proud to be a woman who works.
But I know that this is still not the case for women in many fields
today. In archiving the history of my
local library, the North Hollywood Regional Branch, I was struck by the fact
that when the branch opened in 1929, it was operated completely by women. In looking further into the history of
librarians in Los Angeles, many of the City Librarians have been women, dating as far back as
1880. But they too have struggled in a
society that was dominated by men, especially those men who served on the
library board.
From 1947 – 1990
there were 2 City Librarians in Los Angeles and both were male. This was during the time that Friedan was
speaking to educated middle-class homemakers.
Women who had the intellectual training and ability to be a vital part
of the workforce were told that they should not want to join the ranks of the
professional class. Many of these were
the same women who had been productive in the workforce during World War II,
furthering the blow to these women’s egos and sense of self. Meanwhile, millions of women at this time
needed to work out of economic necessity, furthering the divide between working
women and wives and stay-at-home wives.
It was during this
time, from the late 1950s throughout the 1960s, often called the public
library’s “golden era” due to increased federal funding for public services that the library prospered. The
increased demand for librarians brought many professional women back into a
workforce that has historically been female led, as well as female-friendly
to those the library served. The public
library has traditionally been a safe space for un-biased learning. In an era when a woman’s education about the
world most certainly ended after high school, or college for some, it was a
space for continued enlightenment.
The public
library continues that tradition today. It
is a place to seek answers to questions without shame or embarrassment. It is a place for facts in a world where
women’s choices are often relegated based on fear. It is a cultural place in neighborhoods and
communities where women who are full-time mothers deserve to spend time with
their children during the day. It is a
space for book discussions and for activism with neighbors and friends. In my experience, I have witnessed the public
library as a place for all women, whether behind the reference desk or standing
in front of it, to further literacy and intellect regardless of working status.
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